Welcome to the Radio Shows of the Godspeed Institute

Rising above the din of fighting that often dominates media discussions on world religion and spiritual belief systems, the Godspeed Institute radio program was launched in 2010 as “an on-air classroom” on which members of all faiths are invited to share their beliefs and personal journey in an atmosphere of respect. The program format rests on the principle that we move toward tolerance by listening to each other – learning what people around the world believe, and why, including our challenges and greatest hopes.
“A wonderful time in sacred dialogue.” – Mirabai Starr, author of God of Love
Known for warmth, humor and engaging dialogue, Godspeed has made great strides toward public understanding of religion through conversations with the world’s leading religious scholars, authors and spiritual figures from the Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Taoist, Native American, Norse, Shinto traditions, and many more.
“There is a real sense of meeting within the heart.” – Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Golden Sufi Center
Author Caer Hallundbaek, co-founder of the Godspeed Institute, hosts the program. Caer has produced faith-related broadcast media for nearly two decades. An original consultant on the launch of PBS' long-running series Religion & Ethics Weekly, she has worked for TIME, NBC and HBO, has hosted greater New York's Winds of Change, her prime-time TV show on contemporary faith, and served as an on-air commentator on youth and spirituality for the national live program FOX on Religion.
GodspeedTM has aired on the Progressive Radio Network in New York City, iTunes, Podbean, college and community radio networks, and online around the world. The Godspeed Institute programs have been downloaded millions of times and are included as an educational resource at universities including Yale. In 2014 and 2016, Caer was nominated for the Martin E. Marty Public Understanding of Religion Award. Here are six seasons of the series for you to enjoy and share. Godspeed!